Good Friday LazaRAP
Apr 03, 2015 I LazaRAP.Matthew 27:11-61
Pilate said, ‘my hands
are clean of his blood
this is YOUR responsibility
so do what you must
let’s hear the verdict now
what do you choose?’
the crowd shouted
‘crucify Jesus, the King of the Jews!’
you were brutally beaten- spit on
nailed to the cross
tortured while your mother
had to sit back and watch
JESUS! how could you do it!?
for a sinner like ME!?
I deserve the flames
I should be the one on that tree!
if love didn’t exist..till that day
then you MADE it
and clearly defined what it means
to be dedicated
because of that day
when I die, I won’t fear it
you opened up Heaven
when you gave up your spirit!
(lyrics by Abe Schwambach)
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Scripture taken from the HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION®. NIV®. Copyright© 1973, 1978, 1984 by International Bible Society. Used by permission of Zondervan. All rights reserved.